
2024 Review

Zoe Lea

This is the first time I’ve done one of these!

I’ve seen a lot of them popping up online and thought I’d do one as well. Mainly because it’s good to look back at what you’ve accomplished and what you didn’t, what worked and what didn’t and use it as some kind of base for planning 2025.

That’s the idea, anyway, so here goes…

Closer Than She Thinks


Closer Than She Thinks was released in digital format this November! Yay!

It hasn’t made that much of a splash – yet – and it’s because the paperback is out in June and my publishers are treating that as the big publication date. And to be fair, I do like a paperback over an eBook, so can see where they’re coming from.
Because I’m traditionally published, the marketing team is taking care of all of that side and I know they have a few exciting things in the works, (eeeeek!) so I’m really looking forward to it all next year.
That being said, it has been in Woman Magazine and got some lovely reviews.

My WIP is almost finished.
I’m a bit disappointed with that as I’d hoped to have it all done and dusted by the end of this year, but it seems to have gotten away from me. I know I need to stick to a writing schedule with it, and am planning to get the first draft done in January.

I love the book, love the characters and it’s always a joy when I get back to writing it, so I just need to remember that instead of putting it to the back of the list.

Lea Creative


2024 was a funny year business wise. A brilliant year, but also a funny year.

It was a year when I started posting online and networking for my business Lea Creative, and things got so busy at one point, that I started saying ‘no’ to work in the summer so I could spend some time with my daughter – something I’ve never done before. I wrote about it here.

I also hired my sister to work with me for a few weeks, which was lovely to be able to do. But I don’t want to get to that level of overwhelm again, so better planning is on the cards. I have learned valuable lessons in 2024 and have this beauty to see me through the following months.

So in 2025, I’m going to try to steer my business and well, just plan it all better.

I also want to focus a bit more on my business, like, actually put time in the diary to spend a day on it. I adore helping fellow writers and creatives and really want to focus a bit more on my Substack and make it into a place where writers can connect as well as feel supported, inspired, and equipped to showcase their work authentically.

I did set up The Writer’s Guide To… to be just that, but working for other people took over and that makes me sad.

2025 will be about creating this amazing membership that has been living in my mind for so long! And today there is a discount to join up – if you haven’t got the email send me a message so I can send you the link.

The writers guide to


You know how everyone has a ‘word’ for the year?
In 2024, mine was ‘explore’ and I think it was the most I have ever travelled in a year. I went skiing in Utah, sight seeing in Las Vegas, road tripped around Spain and relaxed in Turkey, as well as popping to places all over the UK.

It was also a year of celebrations. I had a big birthday, as did my son and my husband. We celebrated a special wedding anniversary and my son graduating from university. For a time, it felt like every weekend was a something to celebrate, which was lovely, but also a little exhausting.

I want to continue the travel side, but be more planned next year. (Planning is popping up quite a bit isn’t it?) Travel was all spontaneous last year and I’ve learned that I’m not a spontaneous kind of traveller!

The best part of 2024 was doing and trying new things that I’d been meaning to for an age. I tried skiing, went to a Michelin starred restaurant I’d had my eye on for years, saw the northern lights and got up early to chase the sunrise.

So in 2025, I’m making a list of new things to try.

I want one thing for each month, January’s is focusing on the amazing membership that I want to create and how I’m going to do it.

And my word for the year? FOCUS.

What’s yours?